Monday, November 01, 2004


In my first comment ever, w00t, Chris asked what my curriculum is like. Here is my tentative plan of study:
Currently taking:
Differential Equations
Mathematical Finance
Macroeconomics Independent Study (Dynamic Programming)
Computer Programming 1
And an honors class where we read a bunch of stuff

Math classes that I will hopefully complete:
Calc 3; Real Analysis 1,2; Probability Theory; Statistical Theory; Topology; Abstract Algebra; Discrete Systems; Mathematical Models (discrete applications); and finally, a math thesis.

Math classes that I have completed:
Calc 1,2; Linear Algebra. Notice that I have a much larger to do list than an actually done list, so who knows, I may not be able to pull it off. The reason for this is that I was a pure econ major before I actually thought to look at what I needed for graduate school.

What is your curriculum like, Chris?


Blogger Chris Silvey said...

Congratulations on your first comment...I hope your site does well.

Chris Silvey

November 1, 2004 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger Andy said...

Chris E:
Are you on quarters or do you just have a LOT more classes available than we do? That would make sense, since you're a much larger school, but that's crazy that you have real analysis 3. We can barely fill the second term, from what I hear.

Chris S:
Thanks, especially for the link, otherwise I wouldn't have had any comments!

November 1, 2004 at 8:28 PM  

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